رسائل صحفية


رسائل صحفية This is a smaller font size


<font color=’…’> … </font>
The color of the text is changed to the value in the quotation marks. This value may be a color name (see the following section The Named Colors) or a color number (see the following Coloring By Numbers section). For example:

<font color=’red’>This is red text</font>
<font face=’…’> … </font>
The font face of the text is changed to the value in the quotation marks. This value should be the name of a font available to the browser. If the font is not found a replacement will be selected. For example:

<font face=’Arial’>This text is in the Arial font</font>
<font size=’…’> … </font>
The font size of the text is changed to the value in the quotation marks. This should be a value between 1 and 7 (from smallest to largest size font, with a default of 3). The value may be preceded with a + or – symbol to indicate a relative rather than absolute change of size. For example:

<font size=’5′>This is font size 5</font>
<font size=’-1′>This is a smaller font size</font>
You may combine any or all of the color, face, and size arguments in a single <font> tag, for example, like this:

<font color=’red’ face=’Arial’ size=’5′>
  This is red, size 5 text, in the Arial font
<basefont> … </basefont
Additionally you can use the global tag <basefont>, which has the same attributes as the <font> tag but is used to change the default font values for an entire document. In particular, if the size is changed then any use of the <font> tag with + or – values will change the font’s size relative to the value specified for the base font.

<body bgcolor=’…’>
You can change the default background color of a web page by specifying your choice of color as an argument to the <body> tag, like this, which sets it to cyan:

<body bgcolor=’cyan’>
The Named Colors
All browsers support 16 main color names for the color attribute values, including: aqua, black, blue, fuchsia, gray, green, lime, maroon, navy, olive, purple, red, silver, teal, white, and yellow.

Modern browsers support many more color names (up to 147) but they are not part of the HTML standard. Among other options, you can often add the words dark or light before a color name, but do check that all browsers you intend to support work with these color names. Here are some examples:

<body bgcolor=’lightgreen’>
<font color=’darkblue’>
<font color=’navajowhite’>
If you need a wider choice of colors, you should really use hexadecimal color numbers, which allow very precise color selection, as explained on the following page.