الدستور الجديد ستعمل على صياغته ، لجنة الستين و هي هيئة تأسيسية تتألف من ستين عضوا ،يعكف اعضاء المؤتمر الوطني على اختيارهم من مختلف مدن ليبيا، على أن تنتهي هذه اللجنة من تقديم مشروع الدستور للمؤتمر في مدة لا تتجاوز  ستين يوما من انعقاد اجتماعها الأول وقد باتت معايير اختيار اعضاء لجنة الستين من اهتمامات المواطن الليبي توجهت عدسة اخبار الان لاستطلاع رأي المواطن حول هذه المعاير وكانت كالتالي

Exclusive vox pop from Libya.

 The new constitution was formed by the sixty committee which 60 members are participating in it.  The members of the Libyan National Conference are chosen from different Libyan cities till this committee finishes from the constitution project for the Conference in a time that does not exceed 60 days from its first meeting. Choosing the members of sixty committee became a main subject for Libyan citizens.



The suggestions of sixty committee must come from men of law, economy and management. There are many qualifications in Libya, these people must discuss under the supervision of the Libyan National Conference.



I believe that the sixty committee must bring together all levels of society, the youths, rebels, specialists in law, economy and politics. They must be careful when planing the lives of the people.



The members in the sixty committee must be qualified and specialized people, especially when making the constitution. The people in this committee must not seek federation. Libya was never a federation, the British made the federation for their own purposes, but next Libya was always one.



The specialist people in Law and Politics must be members in the sixty committee. They also must refer to the Libyan constitution after independence the 50’s. At that time there was very patriotic people who worked on the constitution and it was under the supervision of UN.