أخبار الآن | دبي – الإمارات العربية المتحدة

استقال حارس أمن في أميركا من وظيفته، ليتحول إلى بطل إنساني استطاع أن يساعد أكثر من 11 ألف طفل مريض خلال 4 سنوات، رغم ضعف إمكانياته.

وبدأت قصة الحارس ريكي مينا عام 2017 عندما كان يعمل في إحدى البارات في بلدة  بيتسبيرغ بولاية كاليفورنيا، إذ طلب منه أحد أصدقائه أن يشارك في حمل جثمان ابنته التي توفيت صغير جراء مرض عضال.

وبحسب صحيفة “مترو” فقد كان حمل الجثمان تجربة قاسية لريكي البالغ من العمر 35 عاما ، إذ اعتاد على زيارة الطفل المريض في مناسبات عدة، ورغم أن اصدقاءه نصحوه بعدم الذهاب إلى العمل في تلك الليلة وأن يتذرع بالمرض بعدما رؤوا تأثره البالغ خلال الجنازة، لكنه رفض قائلا إنه لا يستطيع أن يخسر أجرة يوم من راتبه الزهيد الذي لا يتجاوز 240 جنيها أسترلينا.

وخلال مناوبته الليلية، دخل ريكي في شجار مع بعض الزبائن، تعرض لعدة لكمات وكدمات فيها، فقرر وقتها الاستقالة وأن يقدم على تغيير جذري في حياته، وفعلا عندما خلد إلى النوم رأى نفسه جالسا مع جدته الراحلة وهما يشاهدان أحد أفلام الرجل العنكبوت “سبايدرمان”، وكان البطل الخارق في ذلك الفيلم يساعد الأطفال المرض عوضا عن أن يحارب الجريمة والشر.

وهنا تلفت الجدة في الحلم إلى ريكي وتقول له: “هذا ما يجب عليك أن تفعله بالضبط، مساعدة الأطفال المرضى والمحتاجين”، وعندما صحا سارع إلى الاستقالة من عمله، واشترى بزة سبايدرمان بما يعادل 500 جنيه استرليني، لتبدأ رحلته الإنسانية لدعم الأطفال وإسعادهم.





As I whisper words in the ears of children at that pivotal moment their spirits venture outside the understanding of our physical realm, I myself straddle the line between being the messenger sent to guide them and the empath of a human being who feels EVERYTHING they do. Their fears become my own as it exits their bodies and pours into my soul, freeing them enough to fly into the peace we know as “Heaven”. Raising my head only to comfort family members left behind and bullied by greif and overwhelming pain via the void mirroring a bottomless pit. As caskets far too small fall into the earth, I hoist the burden upon myself and to the skies in hopes God will take on the weight for one reason and one reason only; so that I may remain strong enough to guide the next child to the stars. For this is my life and this is the cross I gladly accept on behalf of the one true innocent beings of this earth. The children. As for little ruben in this picture, I miss him everyday but use the strength he exemplified to the very end as a reminder to keep going for all the others. With honor, pride, and all the angels at my side, I will go on ✊? God Bless ?? #HeartOfaHero #RubenStrong #RememberingRuben #dipgawareness #MoreThan4 #PediatricCancerAwareness #ChildhoodCancerAwareness #ChildhoodCancer #Light #Love #Faith #God #Heaven #Guidance #Blessed #KeepFighting #Honor #Pride #InspireOthers #Angels #ForTheChildren #RubenContreras

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وأسس ريكي مع زوجته كيندال جمعية خيرية غير ربحية أطلق عليها اسم “قلب البطل”، وبدأ بزيارة المرضى وجمع التبرعات لمساعدتهم في العلاج أو لشراء هدايا ثمينة لهم.

وسرعان من بدأت تنهال مئات الرسائل على حساب ريكي في مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي من أمهات وآباء يطلبون فيها منهم العون في العلاج أو الحضور لإدخال البسمة على أطفالهم الذين يعانون من أمراض خطيرة.

ونجح ريكي مع زوجته، في مساعدة أكثر من 11 ألف طفل في أقل من 4 أعوام، وانضم لاحقا لمساعدته 12 متطوعا زودهم ببزات “سبايدرمان” حصل عليها عن طريق التبرعات.





We are here for only a moment. A meer speck in the frame of all time. Do not drown yourself in the worrisome woes of our inevitable conclusion into the unknown that precedes our limited physical existence within this realm, but rather heed the NOW as an opportunity to leave a lasting vibration that will echo outside the years of living for those who come after us as a reminder to be kind, love one another, and practice peace. Therefore, with my every breath, I choose to create smiles on the face of mankinds future. For they will act as the messages on the cave walls of space, telling our story to distant civilizations seeking purpose, meaning, and guidance. Through the gleaming eyes of children grinning ear to ear beyond their ailments, WE WERE HERE. We mattered. We lived, loved, cared, and expressed immeasurable compassion for each other. I am proof. My work is proof. Our last breaths wont be our last stand. Our actions will ride waves beyond the stars and heard as our legacies like sweet music of what once was while serving as testament of whats possible. Live like you mean it and Love because you can. ?? Goodnight and God Bless #HeartOfaHero #BeyondSpiderman #MoreThanUs #BiggerThanMe #LastingImpression #Life #Stars #God #MyLifeTheMessage #Blessed #Caring #Giving #humanitarian #HumanKindness #Light #GoBeGreat #AfterLife #Mena #Heart #UCSF #sanfrancisco #California #BayArea

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“مجرد إنسان عادي”

ويرفض ريكي أن يحصل على أي جزء من التبرعات لأسرته، إذ يجاهد هو زوجته من أجل جني لقمة عيشهما من خلال عمله كمصمم غرافيك بداوم جزئي فيما تعمل زوجته كمدربة لياقة شخصية.

وتقول إحدى النساء الفقيرات إنها خرت واقعة على قدميها، عند ما دق بابها ريكي وهو يحمل هدايا ثمينة لأطفالها الخمسة في أحد أعياد الميلاد، بينما كانت هي غير قادرة على شراء ولو هدية بسيطة لأحد أبنائها.





This is Sami. These pictures were taken in 2015 in the hospital. I spent 5 minutes with her. Her mother wrote me last week. A mothers testimony is POWERFUL. She wrote “Hi Ricky! You may not remember as it was back in the beginning when you were making hospital rounds, but you visited my daughter on one of your trips to Kaiser Oakland in September of 2015. At the time, my then four year old daughter, was sick, tired, frustrated after a long hospital stay, and scared of just about everything. You came and your brought her joy…even if it did take until the very end of your visit for her to finally warm up to you. I don’t think you understand what an impact that has had on her. Here we are, a little over 3 years later, and she is still as fierce as ever, and although doesn’t actually remember meeting you, something somewhere has stayed with her. Most little girls want to watch Elsa and Anna, or Moana….Sami watches Spider-Man. Every. Day. At least one of the movies. She says Spider-Man is the best because he’s awesome and he’s nice and funny and he’s always helping people. Sami still has battles she faces, still has procedures and interventions, but she is stable and able to attend school. I don’t know if it’s even in the realm of possibility, but I would love to be able to bring one of her dreams to life of her meeting “Spider man” again”. Wow. My heart. And I’ve planned to meet with sami again before Novembers over. ✊? Proof that LOVE is oh so powerful! ?? God Bless world #HeartOfaHero #Spiderman #SuperSami #Love #aMothersTestimony #powerful #Amen #Inspire #SmileOften

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واعتاد ريكي على منح الأطفال الفقراء والمرضى هدايا غالية الثمن مثل الدراجات النارية لإدخال الفرحة إلى قلبهم، وفي إحدى المرات اشترى تذكرة سفر على حسابه للذهاب إنجلترا حيث سبقته هناك طفلة تعاني ورما خبيثا في الدماغ بناء على طلب والدتها التي أخبرته أن طفلته معجبة به كثيرا وتفرح لدى رؤيته.





Meet Jessie (her father sent me this photo with full consent to share) ?? I met her in Sacramento today and in a day FILLED with more than AMAZING visits, jessie’s definitely stood out. Her smile lifted my spirits more than she’ll ever know. Its one thing to make children who are young enough to still believe in spidey smile, but to have a 17 year old whos in the hospital smiling and laughing so hard (along with her family), its certainly something I love so much because it’s definitely harder to come by! Jessie’s a senior this year at her High school and her goal is to get out of the hospital in time for a rally this Friday! With her fighting spirit and incredible attitude, i have no doubt in my mind she’ll be there! Visits with jessie are proof to myself that this is more than being Spider-Man and bigger than who I am behind the mask. Being able to connect with anyone, anywhere, and help them see the strength within themselves is truly a gift from God I am beyond thankful for ? Go get’em Jessie ✊? We believe in you and thanks for that big smile today!! ?? #HeartOfaHero #Spiderman #GoJessie #JessieStrong #YouGotThis #Prayers #Light #Smiles #Laughter #Blessings #Awesome #Thankful #Grateful #Sacramento #Ca

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ورغم وفاة تلك الطفلة قبل أن تتجاوز التاسعة من عمرها، غير أن أمها تؤكد أن ريكي هو إنسان نادر الوجود، إذا وقف مع عائلتها في أزمتها، كما ساعدت ابنتها الأخرى على الالتحاق بالمدرسة والاعتناء بشؤونها خلال فترة غيابها عنها.





Meet the amazing, incredible, and beautiful Shelby @shelbyklinefelter ! She’s 17 years old and was born with Spastic Quadriplegia Cerebral Palsy. Obviously it has limited shelby physically in many ways but it definitely doesn’t stunt her spirit. She’s really great family friends with Angel (who I posted about and made a visit to yesterday) but has also followed me as Spider-Man for a very long time. Prior to my visit yesterday shelby’s mother (Jennifer) asked if I would demask after I left for her because it would absolutely make her day and of course, I did! We made sure the little ones werent around and I took my mask off to officially meet shelby. Her smile was so big and is probably the only thing that rivals the size of her heart. When I asked shelby what the hardest part of being born with her disabilities were, she said “my startle reflex”. Its a reflex that happens naturally when startled but in her case, its involuntary and can happen for no reason, causing her arms to flail. She described it as “frustrating”. I loved every minute of our conversation and shelby is why I dont call my supporters my “fans”. No matter how much folks are a fan of what I do, you’re supporters and friends, not fans. We are no different in the way that we’re both human and we both have unique obstacles we must overcome in life. Together, we can all do a lot of good in this world and lean on each other when needed. Shelby, it was so awesome meeting you, you inspire me so much, and im glad we’re now great friends! Good day and God bless world!! #HeartOfaHero #Spiderman #ShelbyKlinefelter #Friends #Buddies #SpasticQuadriplegiaCerebralPalsy #cerebralpalsy #Startlereflex #smiles #Love #Hope #Faith #InspireOthers #LoveYourLife #BeYourOwnHero #Blessings

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أما ريكي ورغم كل الجهود الذي بذلها وما يزال يبذلها، فإنه يرفض أن يوصف بـ”البطل الخارق” أو الملاك، قائلا:”أنا مجرد انسان عادي يحاول أن يدخل بعضا من النور على حياة أطفال تعساء”.

إقرأ المزيد

قصة تستدعي الحذر الشديد.. كلب يتسبب بقطع ساقَي وأنف صاحبه